Sunday, August 31, 2008

To Purchase Portrait or to Purchase Her Not? Some one better! - Added Progress with Sundance

Gorgeous Portrait was mesmerizing, but a little too advanced for my student right now. It would be nice to have lil' P over here but she's not the one for her, I will be able to see lil' P a lot anyway. We think "Dabba", Charlotte's gorgeous LBI sorrel quarter horse mare that seems perfect for her and would help her confidence rise and help her excel as a learner instead of being a challenge. I am excited for my most dedicated student, she is doing great and tries very hard! She deserves a horse of her own. Yesterday I played with Bebe in trying to help him get a little more confident and comfortable with being way out on the scary 45 foot line, I noticed in the past two sessions that if I wiggle the rope while it lags behind him in the tall grass it freaks him a little bit. He soon got used too it and then the terrible horse flies got after him, it was HILARIOUS! One horse fly got after him, then he started a big RB canter. He was cantering around with the horse fly CHASING him around in circles, then ANOTHER horse fly joined in and Bebe blasted out in a panic gallop. It's mean to laugh but it was SO dern funny! I couldn't help my self, it was no use interrupting the pattern because he had already gone there so I decided to let him sort it out himself. I stood there for about three minutes, very glad I was using the 45 foot line. He decided to come back in, as I ignored him as he came behind me and acted surprised he was there... like I didn't even know he was there. That little stinker goes from RB to LB in a millisecond! I LOVE HIM, he is so good for me. He calmed down, the little sweetheart and I figured out that I could send him out and he would walk forward (single line driving) all the way out to the end of the line, then I would send him out so it would be his idea, which is great! He tries really hard, EVERY single time I asked him in yesterday he came in trotting to me with and eager ears up face. And it was NOT RB! Later in the afternoon I went and did some bareback and bridless riding with Sundance, which went amazingly. He did so well it really surprised me! Our forequarter turns have gotten so well he is doing that really fast twirl that reiners do, which I want his job to be when I finish Level 3! So he is well on his way as a reiner. His canter is beautiful and got into a 6ft diameter and cantered real slow... felt amazing. So the bareback and bridless is ready to move onto stage 3, which I think we already can do. Let me check real quick, got the booklet here... YES! We already can do these tasks. I am so excited! I will be doing a bareback and bridless demo at the breed show on October 12, so I am very excited and ready to do that demo. That's a couple months away, so we will be able to do even more amazing jaw-dropping things by then! Because we will have improved much much more.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Leaving soon!

I will be leaving with one of my students to go look at Portrait, Portrait is a black/bay TB/QH mare that came to us at Fox Point Farms a couple of weeks ago as a hopeless case and had the privilege of turning her around 360 for Charlotte. Portrait is a beautiful, TALENTED and kind individual that has a lot to offer with the right partner. One who can read a horse and be the leader she needs, I would be buying her in a SNAP if I could. But the next best thing would be one of my students having her and keeping her at my stables. We will be leaving around 11 am and hopefully stay as long as we can, I sure miss being at Charlotte's! XOXO

Friday, August 29, 2008

Great Online / Liberty Session & Much More!

Wowee! I've been as busy as a bee with home schooling starting the past two days, and didn't get to play with the horses (which absolutely KILLS me!). But got back on track thankfully, and had an awesome time. I took some Parelli Patterns pictures to those of you who are interesting in learning about them and possibly purchasing. There are 4 Savvies - Online, Liberty Freestyle and Finesse. Each box contains one of these savvies in 4 levels - Level 1, 2, 3 & 4. There are 4 parts to each box... (For you Fran!)

Whole kit includes -

Patterns DVD - Watch Pat perform and explain all patterns within the savvy at every level with his super horses

Patterns Coffee Table Book - Offering Inspiration

Patterns Pattern Booklet - Patterns through Levels 1-4in convenient pocket size to bring to the barn.

Patterns Success Chart - Check off every pattern you complete and watch yourself succeed

This program is truly 'Imagination in a Box', this will really help Bebe become more confident and obedient and Sundance more motivated, interested and smart. I had two 2 hour lessons back to back this afternoon right after school, so Bebe got his exercise so I didn't play with him. Didn't have time anyway! I just got in and it's 8:30 PM. I did get to ride Starsky, our little rescue horse that has made a full 360*. He was severely abused in the saddle so he still struggles a little bit with being defensive in the bareback pad, but once he understands that I am trying to teach him something (NOT force him into something) he brightens up and says "Oh! That's what you want! Let me do it a few times for you with out you even having to ask me!" He really is a sweet, compassionate individual inside, he just really has to fight that defensiveness that he once had to use for survival before. I am VERY excited for him, he is an amazing individual and I get to erase the emotional wounds and give him the future he is begging me for. Sundance and I had a great session this afternoon! First we started off on the 12 foot line and played with putting his feet on weird things, then we played with prep for downward transitions at liberty (awesome), then we played the cutting game with each other (HARD CORE!) and cantered on the ground together (first time) to the arena, we went in and had him jump one barrel 2 times and cut a little more, then put our feet on more things, then (with music on) worked on our spanish walk, close contact trot mirroring each other and something else. I felt like I was at a tour stop on the savvy team with the music on doing amazing things together online and at liberty, I really hope I will be able to do that next year at a tour stop. It's a dream, but I am planning on it being reality. I am also preparing for my Parelli demo at Chetola Farms at their breed show, which is so exciting! I asked Sundance to canter and he did 12 LAPS around me, at CLOSE contact! I was so happy! And of course spilled the treats out of my pockets, I had him bow and cantered back to the barn together. Another CHECK on my stage 2 booklet, I think we are all the way 100% done with booklet 2! Oh, I have more news! I am excited about this too, might be silly but not for me (The women will understand). I had some moccasins ( I am part cherokee and a very natural person, you'd imagine) when I was five and grew out of them, and could never find any more in my size. I went on and found men's moccasins, I can't shop in women's because I'm a size 12 and no one has that size! (Why?) And I finally found some, in my size that happen to be in fashion and totally natural and should be here Monday.And they are made for outside use, so if I go some where I can ride in them which goes very well with my little Indian pony. I got the brown ones...

I also ordered 2 new Parelli shirts that I am excited about, their the green and black shirts shown below. These shirts inspired the logos I created for POHS and SCSC.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

August 24, 25 & 26, 2008 - Progress and Rain!

Click here > to visit my creators page to buy South Charlotte Savvy Club and Patch of Heaven Stables products.

My video has made it! It is now on under the video section. Check out all the other videos made by Charlotte, I am so proud of her!

Edited SCSC Logo - Now with Carrot Stick!

Boy have we gotten some rain today and yesterday, our lake is so full it is covering the driveway and flooding into our pasture! We are so blessed, last year we were all suffering from a horrible drought. I am so glad we are not going through that again! You all will be happy to find that we have made some great progress, lots of good stuff. Bebe has found a lot more confidence in walking and TROTTING! on the 45 foot line, yesterday we took a break from online and did some liberty in our arena. I think him playing on the 45 foot line and getting out in the arena, way out help him discover it is okay to get that far from mommy. He trotted two laps by himself around the arena, he did great. We did the pattern 'put your nose on it' at liberty, he caught on really fast and did some very long distance 'put your nose on it'! I was so proud of him, he did so well. Sundance cantered 17 laps Monday and 20 laps at liberty yesterday, he stopped 2 times to ask mom if what he was doing was right (He used to never ask mom questions, so I am letting him do this because he is doing SO well and trying very hard.) but other than that he didn't need any motivation. I am glad he is asking questions a lot, he needs too! His ears used to always stay so back, but now they are forward asking "What's next?!" and I love it! He is now picking up his right lead because I am asking him to canter to the right at liberty, and he will now VERY gracefully walk, trot and canter at 6 feet (half of 12 ft line). We also did some flank rope driving for the first time Monday, he caught on REALLY fast, our next task is to do it at liberty. That's how fast he caught on! We have also been enjoying liberty driving. Can't you see the difference I have to adapt to with Sundance and Bebe? Bebe needs it reeally slooowwww with very low energy, and Sundance needs things REALLY fast, progress really fast and needs high hard core energy. I love having to adapt to that difference, it makes me even more emotionally fit and best of all SAVVY! Life is beautiful, even in the confusion... because you learn so much. I love my babies, I love the journey, I love being on this mission... becoming the best person and horsewoman I can be and changing the lives of horses and humans, making their dreams come true and in the progress mine coming true.

South Charlotte Savvy Club Logo - Picture Progress

Finished Product...

I am working on a SCSC shirt for the club to wear, I am pretty excited about it!

Monday, August 25, 2008

New! Patch of Heaven Stables Logo - Added Parelli Patterns Notes

I created a Logo yesterday for my stables, Patch of Heaven Stables

Live your Dream!

What do you think? It's still kind of in the planning stage.

Visit my friends blog to see what's up! I am pretty excited, and really hope it works out.

I got my first vehicle a couple of days ago! It's for my 17th Birthday, it's early because it isn't until December 15th. I think it's a Dodge Ram 2004 Red (The barn color) 150 ST with a Hemi engine. It has more go than whoa and is very light, soft and supple! I will post pictures soon, but here is kind of what it looks like. and of course Parelli is going to be all over it as soon as it comes from Fed-ex. I bought tons of stuff for the truck from Parelli Collection! It should come in Friday.

I've had some REALLY good sessions with Sundance and Bebe, can't wait to blog about them!

Check out the new POH Shirt! Feel free to order and support...

Parelli Patterns Notes

  • Ambition is my strong suit, and my ambition can get in the way.
  • Don't over progress, don't over do it with your horse. (Ahem, Mariah! Poor Bebe)
  • Positive, Progressive and Natural
  • Be positive, expect a lot, except a little and reward often.
  • Feel of (See where to horse is and start there) feel with (Do what the horse does and do what the horse needs) feel for (Mirror for them, show them what you want them to do)
  • Don't just do something! Stand there. Spend time between tasks to let things soak in.
  • You can reward a horse by just standing and resting there.
  • Imagination is even more valuable than knowledge - Einstein
  • You want the horse to be consistent, your job is to add variety
  • Horses are sceptics, cowards, claustrophobics, panicaholics by nature. We want our horses to be curious instead of sceptical, confident instead of cowardly and respond instead of react.
  • We want our horses to be calm, smart, brave and athletic
  • Foundation before specialization
  • A collected horse is calm, smart, brave and athletic.
  • Mind, Flexion, Weight, Feet = Process of understanding and execution in the horse

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Flip Horsenalities and CALM DOWN! Way down... Parelli Patterns Notes Added

Guess which future Parelli Professional misread his horse? I will give you 3 guesses and the first 2 don't count! Goodness, I feel so pumped and sensitive. Odd verb usage, I know. I was watching one of my most dedicated students play with Bebe, then I went to correct something and then sat back down to watch and was shocked. Bebe was calm cool and collected with my quiet low energy student, but as soon as I took a hold of the rope he acted like he was going to explode quietly inside himself. Everyone say, "Hmm!". I guess being with Sundance and having to be such a dominant alpha mare, I have created a 'presence' of myself that is threatening. I have found Bebe, NOT physically (as in 'go' and 'whoa') but emotionally, is VERY sensitive to a persons energy and presence. I also noticed today that if Bebe gets into a higher gait, just for fun to kick up his heels and toss his head around and accidentally triggers some adrenaline it scares him and gets him REALLY right brained. But as soon as he stops, he is calm again. It's like a switch! A REALLY sensitive switch. Everyone say, "Hmm!". And you know me, after figuring this out I HAD to go play with him. After my student left and Bebe rested I got out there with the 45 foot line and lowweeerrrddd my energy waaaayyy down, and got Bebe out. I went to the safe arena, where he feels 'safe', prayed that God would show mercy, and maybe favor and started a medium to high energy session with low energy in myself. That session really taught me a lot about him, today taught me a lot about his inner horsenality and how horribly I misread him! Bebe is a RIGHT BRAINED INTROVERT! *gasp* Not Bebe! Not my little baby! I am SO excited! I am so happy he is a right brained introvert, now that I know his horsenality and now that I have found him out I can tinker, and mess, and twist and voila! Turn him into an amazing, right brained introverted horse. I have been thinking a while about getting a right brained horse and take him (or her) through the levels, just to have that under my belt and in my brain as a plus as a parelli professional. But now I have a right brained horse! He has always been here, and I have already brought him through level 2 and into level 3. The neatest thing is, he is a really sensitive horse. We can communicate really well with Phase 1 now, before I was screaming at him with my body like I did with Sundance. Used to, if I did not scream with my body, Sundance would give me the finger with his face. But Bebe just cowers in fear! So all I have to do with him is whisper. Fran, you are going to be happy to hear this! I got Bebe out on the 45 foot line today! One of the neatest things was when I had him way out on the circle, a horse fly went to bug Bebe and he started to trot... then he started to canter... then I stopped him because I needed to interrupt the pattern (not let him go RB). How sensitive!? VERY. And I LOVE it. Check out his horsenality, he is a 5 dotted RBI and a 4 dotted LBE. He is med/low spirited, and very sensitive. Of course I will mention Sundance, my love. We have been playing with our liberty the past couple days and he has done awesome, relationship changing things. He offered close contact canter, lead change and downward transitions. Mind we do not have a round pen, we have an arena with 2 ropes loose (Split 1/3 and 2/3, we have the 2/3). We have had so much fun, and are ready to check things off and move on. We did carrot stick only riding today, I say we have passed all the tasks in stage 1 and 2 and will be moving on. We can already do most of stage 3, bareback and bridless right now is our strong suit. We went outside of the arena and rode today for the first time without anything not even a savvy string on his head, we jogged to the lake and swam a little bit and loped to the barn. I am so proud of my partners! Starsky has been a joy to be with lately, he has really come around. I will be starting our level 1 riding soon, I am sure he will do wonderful with that big brain between his ears.

Parelli Patterns Notes and Ideas for Sundance - Online DVD

  • Keep on improving the canter
  • Start using 22 ft lines as driving reins
  • Use barrels with 45 ft line and driving reins
  • Use 2 barrels as figure eights and 4 barrels as serpentine
  • Play with the PARELLI ball

Parelli Patterns General Notes - Online DVD

  • Level 1 - 12 ft line
  • Level 2 - 22ft line
  • Level 3 - 45 ft line and 12 ft with excellence
  • Level 4 - Two 22 ft lines as driving reins
  • Touch down? Nose, Neck, Front feet then Back feet
  • It's not about the _____ . It's about the relationship!
  • Confidence and Curiosity then Play and Performance.
  • A horse that can solve puzzles is a horse that can adapt.
  • Never say Never, don't Always say Always and Usually say Usually.'
  • Consistency, Patterns, Variety
  • Variety = Spice of life.
  • Horses are naturally sceptics, cowards, claustrophobics and panicaholics by nature in various degrees.
  • Horses heirchy of importance - Safety, Comfort and Play.

Well, back to watching my Parelli Patterns. Savvy on!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

"Officially" Starting Level 3 Liberty

I had been moseying with Liberty in Level 3 ( but not in a specific Stage and not consistently. We are now ready to officially start our Level 3 Liberty and get serious about it! Sundance and I had our first official L3 Liberty session today, I almost cried. I was SO apprehensive, because I had set up some yellow rope to block off a certain side of the arena. That did not go well AT ALL in Level 2 about a year ago, he looked at the rope as a challenge. He used to get his "evil" hat on (which he used to ALWAYS have on) and took the rope on as a challenge, and of course a measly few ounces of rope had no chance against a pure evil 1,000 pound Left Brained Introvert. But today after warming up, he didn't even notice the rope! He treated it as a brick wall and kept his attention on Mom. His walk was concentrated on mother at close contact liberty, his attention was still totally on me at the trot too. Then, against Linda's word (I AM SO SORRY!) I went on, while it was good and send him out at the CANTER! (gasp) Wouldn't you know he did a perfect send, allow and bring back! While licking his lips. I cooled us down and went STRAIGHT to the barn to feed him his favorite num nums, almost crying... everything went so perfect! This Level 3 can seem easy, intimidating, motivating, perfection'ating', frustrating, cool, interesting at the same time. Sometimes I extremely dislike it with a passion, and sometimes I love it. I guess you'd call it a 'Love/Hate Relationship' and how fun it can be, but we all have to learn how to become emotionally fit. Yay for Emotional Fitness! Sundance and I are the best of friends, I think we both really are actual 'partners' a herd of two. And you know, it really feels good, it just feels right.

I am sure all of you are wondering about little Bebe! I have been using him a lot in lessons, he is such a wonderful teacher and comedian. I really enjoy teaching with him, and my students really seem to love him very much. Level 3 seems to be too hard core for him right now, I know I need to start back on our regular schedule but we kind of seem to be in a rut because he is not confident enough to get out there on that 45 foot line. I keep him right beside his herd, warm him up the way he needs to be, and his Level 1 and 2 are VERY good because he teaches them to students magnificently many times a week. So I am a little stuck, so I am giving him a little break to gain some confidence and then I will start back. If he still is the same way after some hard brain work, I will contact a Parelli Professional and maybe take him along with Sundance and I to the Jesse Peters clinic since we have a 3 hour lesson which may give us some time to work with Bebe. I am not giving up on him at ALL, just giving him a break and me some brain storming time while we teach together.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Trotting Demonstration

Here is our first video demo, I did not get to finish it because of the memory on the camera but will show it any way! Now you can see our new exercise we have been doing, everything went great except I didn't really get my feet in tune with his front feet.

PLEASE COMMENT! It's my first presentation.

Hope you enjoy!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Back Home! - Fox Point Farm Kids Camp and New Exercises

I am fresh back from Fox Point Farms and so excited and delighted to have such a great experience! I have learned so much and am SO thankful for the one on one time I have had with Charlotte. I am also very sad for Tommy, who has admitted to being allergic to water (Ha ha)! He was just kidding. They also had a chiropractor/snake charmer on location (another joke). I had so much fun and learned so much about me, other people and horses. My teaching has TOTALLY improved, the children loved Sundance and I, we did a few demos and got a couple of private lessons from Charlotte. I really enjoyed being over and will be back soon, no doubt.

From farthest to closest are Bella (Queen Latifa), Julie, Frosty and Glorie. Charlotte's pride and joys, her little shelties that I LOVE so much! Julie and Frosty might be expecting some puppies soon. Frosty is deaf and skittish but is a mommies boy and so sweet! And little Glorie has ran away so keep her in your prayers. These dogs make Fox Point Farm an even better place to be, it wouldn't be the same without them.

Sundance being uphill and light after a session at the Fox Point Farms Lancaster location...

Click Picture

Skip N Ol Paint

Charlotte's Multiple APHA World Champ Gelding that I had the privilege and pleasure to ride.

The camp schedule, from what I remember went a little like this...

Monday - Getting To Know You Day - We ask questions and assign riders to horses we think are a good fit. Lessons today are used to evaluate horse/rider combinations and rider groups. We have beginners through advanced riders, so it is important to have each rider on a horse who is fun and in a group that is too.

Tuesday - Lessons and Horse Care Day - Today we make any changes we need to in horses and groups. We make sure everyone is happy and learning new skills.

Wednesday - Rodeo Day - We divide riders into 2 groups ( less experienced ride first) and teach them all about rodeo events. All riders 'run' the barrel racing and pole bending patterns (at speeds comfortable for them) just like the ones in local rodeos. (It rained on Rodeo day, so we went in and practiced braiding manes, went to a tack store and learned about saddles and watched movies.)

Thursday - Big Trailride Day - We load horses into trailers and take horses and campers to our Lancaster farm to ride on our extensive trails. Our farm has 50 acres and is bordered by a 600 acre nature preserve so we do not have to ride on any roads. The more experienced group rides first today. We enjoy more riding and swimming in the shallow pond after lunch. The horses and campers absolutely LOVE this afternoon!

Friday - Horseshow Day - We teach riders all about different types of shows. We teach them what to do in a show and run through a 'mock class'. We demonstrate clipping and showgrooming. Riders learn how to bathe 'their' horse for a show.

Parelli Kids Video

Video of shows that go on at Fox Point Farms

I just ordered the Parelli Patterns for 50% off!

I found a great new excercise thanks to Charlotte with helping Sundance's right side stay loose and help him collect. I will post a video tomorrow with Sundance and I doing the exercise and will explain it on the video. Charlotte also took some amazing bareback and bridless pictures of Sundance and I and cannot wait until she sends them to me, she is curently in Perry, Georgia getting her reining paint, Dixen ready and prepared for the world show in 2 months so it may take a while to get them.

If you have any questions, just post a comment and I will blog the answer. I just have so much to share I can't fit it all on here!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Last Update

As of August 11, 2008 I will not be available through email, because I will have no Internet access while counseling at Kids Camp. I will still be available on my cell phone at 704.499.1019, so don't feel I have left any of you cold turkey. Feel free to call, you won't be interrupting.

Have a great week! Talk to you soon.


Saturday, August 9, 2008

Journey Update - EDITED


I have taken on an old challenge, one I took in a year or so ago. The challenge, his name is Starski. He is a 18-20 (?) year old, bay, mystery breed gelding we rescued some time back. His history is only known from the damage that was done physically and mostly, emotionally. When we got him he was skin and bones, hardly no hair on his body at all, could hardly walk because of his club feet and showed no soul in his eyes. I've given him his last home, I promised. From his coggins and other information he has traveled the United States in search of a home, at least one that would care for him. We checked his teeth, which were of course out of shape and sure couldn't have helped his weight problem. Along with the floating, we learned a little more about his past. Gashes and scars on his tongue, from bits. We figured he had a bacterial infection on his skin and gave him a bath with medicated shampoo 3 days a week for a couple of months, had the vet come over along with the farrier to find a cure for his boxy feet and gave him the best fattened and nutritious food from the feed store. And of course the most important damaged area, his soul, we gave him love. Since then he has recovered into a beautiful, painless, joyful being full life and opinions, ones that he never felt he could express without pain. I figured a couple of days ago he was ready to learn some games, so I started with the seven games 2 days ago. Today, the smart and sweet boy now knows Level 1 ground and a lot of Level 2. Tomorrow, we will be moving on to introducing him to the Level one riding concepts but not dwell too deep because I will be gone next week. My goal with him is to turn him into a horse I can teach lessons with, I really love creating that natural bond with a horse so we can work together as a team and change lives willingly. It is such a great feeling when you teach a student along with the partner you've chosen to bless with the gift of teaching other people, it feels wonderful. I think my favorite parts are when you teach the lesson you see the bond you and the horse have made, the horse just looks at you with a content face as you teach with him. A lot of people that teach lesson use a lesson horse, but I believe in creating a relationship and teaching with the horse. You couldn't teach without him couldn't you? You teach with him, you teach together. Lick and chew on that one for me.


The past couple of days I have been playing with Sundance with our bareback and bridless riding, liberty, spanish walk, bowing and the cutting game like Pat does with Casper. Our bridless riding has taken a total turn for the better, the spurs have also helped create some lightness in our communication and not just with his go button either. I did some bareback and bridless riding at Charlotte's and said she was very impressed with our lightness and harmony. I soon received a call and was asked to do a bareback and bridless demo with the Parelli Varsity Team at a Breed show coming up on October 12, 2008. Of course I said, YES! We will also be doing some other show off type things like liberty, the spanish walk, bowing, cutting and jumping which will be tons of fun for both of us. Our liberty has been going pretty well, doing figure eights and close contact liberty has been fun. Since I do not have a liberty pen to do some stage 2 liberty, I will be trying to finish those tasks at Charlotte's because she has one. I will have 5 days to do the tasks, which should be enough because I know he can do them. Sundance and I will be leaving bright and early tomorrow morning, maybe 6:30 am. I hate I can't update daily, I really wish I could. Maybe I can keep a journal or something! I think I will. I will update on Bebe's progress soon.

New Releases and Levels Information

Parelli Patterns Released! New YouTube video explaining the Parelli Patterns...

To buy the new Parelli Patterns visit

The NEW! Levels 1-4 (Released in January 2009) will be sold to Savvy Club members only.

Want to learn and progress with support? Join the Parelli Savvy Club at! I highly recommend any person dedicated to life long learning with horses to join the Savvy club to help excel in their journey with support from other dedicated horse enthusiasts.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Parelli Kids Camp - More than just a camp for me, life changing.

First off, I want to say I am sorry to all the Mariah fans for not being able to blog this past week. I will post as much information as I can with the little time I have, I hope you all have your reading hat on because there will be lots of information!

For an over view of what the Parelli Kids Camps are about visit the link below:

For an over view of what Parelli Kids is about visit the link below:

For more about my AMAZING new mentor and friend Charlotte Cannon, click the link below:

I think very highly of Ms. Charlotte and am very blessed that I now have such a knowledgeable willing mentor ( only about 40 minutes away.

For more information on where I stayed, visit the link below:

For Charlotte's Videos I showed her how to make with my "Mad Skills" (wink) visit:

I had so much fun helping Charlotte and the Kids and acting like a sponge all week, Charlotte has SO much information bundled up that is ready to explode. I think I will bring a notebook and pen next week and write down every word she says! I look forward to Sundance and I working with her next week, it will be so nice having Sundance there this time. I got to ride with her on Sundance along with two other SCSC members that were gracious enough to take me and Sundance down to Lancaster. Charlotte knows how to flatter people, she likes Sundance a lot! I like him too, he was a perfect ANGEL and I was amazed with how well he did. I have spurs now, yes SPURS! I know some people do not understand them, know how misused they can be and a lot are not at a high enough level for them. But Sundance and I are ready, and it is making a difference in both of us. Let me spit this out before any of you explode, I have never seen Pat ride without spurs. You can express your opinions on this, but I will not promise I will answer to all of them. If you would like to debate on this topic, go to the Savvy Club Forum and look up the Spurs topic and you can open the can if you want! Here is Charlotte's opinion on spurs (exerted from SC Forum):

I am an advanced level 3 rider who uses spurs every day on almost every horse I ride. I feel my spurs are my phase 4 on my feet. I am playing with high level maneuvers and the precision spurs give me in articulating many different leg cues cannot be matched by a naked boot. Perhaps some of you have horses so sensitive that using a spur would be unnecessary or overkill, but on my confident left-brained partners I need the option of phase 4. I would not recommend spurs to riders without professional supervision. Spurs are an advanced tool when used well create - art. But riders without good education and instruction can do more to destroy their relationship than they can gain. My opinion is spurs are a wonderful advanced tool for precision riding, like a spade bit, but one that must be approached with care.

Couldn't have said it better! Great job Charlotte. I am so happy that Sundance and I are at a point to where our savvy and Finesse are good enough to use advanced tools. Everything is going magnificently between us two, I don't think Sundance and I have had a relationship as good as this before. I am very excited about our relationship because we are only in the beginning stages of Level 3, just think how good it will be at the end! Life is very good right now, I am able to afford and do things on my own that I have never been able to do. Hard work pays off, you just have to want it really bad. I have so much more to say, but leaving it here is the best decision. Words to part with? My life is exciting and getting better, and there is a bigger picture... I have just found more and more puzzle pieces to the whole picture and am picking up and putting more in place.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Busy, will update soon!

Lots of life changing marvelous things have been going on, I will update when I can. Will be home set Wednesday, check the E-News too for our playday article.