Sunday, July 26, 2009
An Evening in Paradise
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Just for You!
In this video...
Circling game with attempt to flying change
Backing by tail with turns - Just learning
Kick the Ball and Sideways over Ball - Sundance's spark of excellence, he decided his soccer beating skills should be shown! I think he did a good job of adding his own spice.
Mirroring - Legs
High five - Legs
Stick to Me
There's no dash or flash, just having fun together in the arena... working on some little things. No editing, no music... just true blue us in a regular daily session.
I hope you enjoyed it!
Mariah & Fabio
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Summer is Soaring
Hello friends,
I just got back from the beach, it was quite a wonderful experience. But as you all know, I am happy to be back... where I belong!
It's been busy around the barn, we've had some sick horses. Starsky, our club footed rescue had a bout of lameness. We had the vet come over and we now have some medicine to give him that will help the blood flow in his leg. We had an x-ray done on our 18 hh Amish Percheron, Doc, and heard back that he has a severe case of ringbone that can't be fixed. Then silly Sundance came up the very minute the vet drove in, with a limp, an abscess... but luckily the vet took care of it then and there and he is very well at the moment. We also have a new addition to the herd, one of my dearest friends and dedicated students has finally gotten her a horse. He will be coming in on Monday, and thankfully, he grew up with little Bebe... he is his half brother, so we will put those two in a separate pasture to settle down and then introduce them within the week.
We also had a play day a couple of weeks ago, it was a blast!
Email me at if you are interested in joining a play group.
There's also been a lot of planning going on, on the families part with my going to the Centers next spring. Which is not far away! At the moment, it looks like I will be taking Fast Track # 3 in Florida, go straight to the 12 week Extern program and study there for a while in Florida. Then make the transfer with Pat and Linda and Crew to the Colorado center and finish the rest of my term there. How exciting! I am waiting for an email back from Lee Palmer to get all of this finalized... so we should have all of this official, very soon.
As for what I am doing in the arena, Sundance and I are tuning up on our Liberty skills. We are incorporating Level 4 Patterns, and playing with our circling game at close contact in larger areas. I am trying to be the best leader I can be, but we all know that takes a lot of elbow grease, and it pays off more and more by the day. I am going to start tuning up on our Freestyle patterns too, take is slow and easy. "Slow and RIGHT beats fast and WRONG." - Pat Parelli. I am looking for purity of gait and sensitivity to my cues, time to pay attention to those two.
My students have picked up also, I am very blessed to have such motivated and dedicated students... without them, I wouldn't be getting where I am going! Thank you!
I want all of you to be sure you keep an eye out for me on Twitter daily, I post throughout the day. You can keep up with me there on a more consistent basis, and get to know a little about what my days look like and what's going on in my head. It's simple and free!
Well friends, I am out to feed the precious ponies and start another beautiful day. Thanks for joining me once more on this beautiful journey!
Mariah Helms;