Saturday, September 17, 2011

Parelli Connect Updates

Parelli Connect isn't working for me at the moment... so I will just post here.

Thursday 15, 2011
Aamira - Online 45 minutes long line driving with carrot stick, downward transitions with the carrot stick, falling leaf and backwards S. She is super sensitive and confident, with lots of play... what a joy to play with.
Sundance -  freestyle and finesse 1 hour stretching in cradle and fluidity saddle,  playing with the game of contact at walk trot and canter. Maintain gait at canter on circle left and right in open field.
Friday 16, 2011
Bebe - Online 30 minutes long line driving with one line, circle walk and back transitions. Freestyle 1 hour open field in circle at walk and trot stretching, was right brained so he needed consistency, follow the " trail".
Sundance - Freestyle 3 hours - 1 hour stretching and out on trails, jumping. Finesse 15 minutes on jumping course.


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Parelli Connect Log

Mariah Helms 1* Junior Parelli Professional with Jannah "Aamira", (On Line, 45 mins) Played with little Aamira on the 22 foot line, self-assessed her as ssolid Level 2 and making her way into Level 3 very well. Put a pad and saddle on her, cinched it up... had no problems and proved to me that she has forgotten nothing since I have played with her last. She is extremely smart, very savvy, and will shoot through Level 4 extremely fast. Now I am getting her ready for liberty, it's time and it's going to be great. :)

Mariah Helms 1* Junior Parelli Professional with Both Eyes On Me "Bebe", (Freestyle, 120 mins) 2 hours of carrot stick riding on the trail, looking to build his confidence in riding and more sensitivity and reliance on me rather than the other horses. He is coming along great, and trying very hard! It will just take a lot of consistency and repetition, which I can do! Looks like we will be focusing on Liberty tomorrow.

Mariah Helms 1* Junior Parelli Professional with Salty's "Sundance" AKA Fabio, (Finesse, 15 mins) Playing with maintain gait and direction on circle in open field at all gaits, played with game of contact a bit... very nice.
Mariah Helms 1* Junior Parelli Professional with Salty's "Sundance" AKA Fabio, (Freestyle, 15 mins) Freestyle stretching and million transitions in new Parelli Fluidity GP, saddle... lots of great stretching and extending!
Mariah Helms 1* Junior Parelli Professional with Salty's "Sundance" AKA Fabio, (Liberty, 30 mins) Invisible long line driving at liberty in open field, canter to halt transitions and long distance tasks... great job Sundance. Mariah Helms 1* Junior Parelli Professional with Salty's "Sundance" AKA Fabio, (On Line, 15 mins) Departures and maintain gait Online.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Back Home.. for a Little While!

Hello Friends!

Just got home after a long day of traveling, I was greeted by my beautiful families face... including our new 5 month old long haired white miniature chihuahua, Lillian! We made our way home and I stepped out of the truck, and called my horses. They all looked up and galloped to the barn and I do believe recieved the most welcome greeting I have ever had, it was heart touching to see their eager faces and how stuck they were to me. There was endless precious mutual grooming between my intimate group of three, and followed me around... so sweet. Fed everyone and while the others were eating I took Sundance and Bebe aside and introduced myself back into the group as the alpha by playing with them at liberty out by the barn, the liberty with Bebe was the best I have EVER experienced. I could see a new outlook on how he was feeling and handled the situation correctly, and I don't think I have ever had such positive and high energy and play drive from him. I am personally extremely excited with developing him into Level 4 now, I have a new and more intense plan for Bebe and Aamira, lots of sessions coming up!
Here are our updates from Parelli Connect...
Mariah Helms 1* Junior Parelli Professional with Salty's "Sundance" AKA Fabio, (Liberty, 15 mins) Just got back home from 3 weeks in Colorado, re-introducing myself into the herd as alpha... great liberty session out in pasture... basic games 1 - 4 at Level 4 quality.
Mariah Helms 1* Junior Parelli Professional with Both Eyes On Me "Bebe", (Liberty, 15 mins) Just got back home from 3 weeks in Colorado, re-introducing myself into the herd as alpha... has the most amazing session with Bebe, best trusting liberty session, just playing with the first 4 games out in pasture. WOW! My next super horse for sure, very excited for him.

Mariah Helms
1 Star Parelli Professional Instructor
Servicing the Southeast, Naturally!
Join me and the worldwide Parelli Community for FREE at!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

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Day 3 Pictures

Big top... Remmer saying Hello!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Parelli Liberty and Bridless Summit - Day 1

Today was a magical day, the doors opened at 8:00 am and everyone flooded in and filled the place even after the event started at 10:00 am. Was started by a wonderful intro by two mastery students doing a halarious skit...
Video of Day 1 of the Summit here in Colorado.
Take a look on!/ParelliNaturalHorseTraining, the official Parelli Natural Horsemanship page with all the updates and tons of pictures of the first day. The day was incredibly inspirational, focused around Pat and Linda talking about Liberty, different aspects of how to approach starting Liberty, doing Liberty with different horsenalities, and herd dynamics.
Take a look at the details at (Quote from the Parelli Facebook page) "Linda Parelli just gave an amazing demonstration on Horsenality with West Point and Hot Jazz here at the Liberty & Bridleless Riding Summit. You can watch part of the demonstration on Parelli Central's wall on Parelli Connect: Have you ordered the Horsenality/Humanality Match Report yet? Tell us how it has helped you improve your horsemanship!"
Quote from the Parelli Facebook page "Some of our talented instructors and students just got new level certifications and instructor ratings: Laura Aitken, Rhett Fincher, Rachel Clarkson, Bonnie McIntyre, Elli Pospichil, Tanya Bennet, Pete Rodda, Russel Higgins, Marion Oesch, Lyndsey Fitch, and Jake Shoemark. Go to Parelli Central's wall on Parelli Connect to find out what they were awarded: Congratulations everyone! "
Looking forward to sharing more tomorrow!

Mariah Helms
1 Star Junior Parelli Professional Instructor
Servicing the Southeast, Naturally!
Join me and the worldwide Parelli Community for FREE at!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Starting off the morning with Pat Parelli doing a Liberty demonstration...

Starting off the morning with Pat Parelli doing a Liberty demonstration...

No matter where you go there they are... Wranglers!

No matter where you go, there they are... Wranglers!

Linda and the Crew

Linda and the Crew

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Instructor Conference Day 2

Today was another great day, the morning was spent talking with Pat's barn builders, and the Parelli Foundation coming up with ideas for scholarships for students. Afterwards Carol talked a bit about liabilities etc. and Ann Kiser answered questions for an hour or more before we wrapped up our last classroom session. We had lunch time and then spent the rest of the afternoon watching Linda and her team rehearse for the Summit, WOW! So inspirational, loving this... really cant wait to get home and get to work. I'll post you guys some pictures...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Pat talking to us on Aspen

Pat talking to us on Aspen

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Summit rehearsal...

Summit rehearsal...

Instructor Conference Day 1

What a GREAT day... full of surprises. We all met up at Corporate and class started at 9:00 am and ended at 12:30 pm, we all went over the stuff that Sarah and I learned in the two week course regarding the horse dispersal, new products, and new instructor guidelines. It was great seeing the new faces and meeting the ones I've known before, what a wonderful atmosphere. We made our way back down to the campus after a brief stop at a restaurant for lunch, and met under the big top to watch the Summit rehearsals with Pat's team.

Pat came out and did all of his intriguing, heart touching, and hilarious speeches... played with a multiple of his horses and different demos. WOW! Ryan Rose came out and did a demo, so did Jake Shoemark, Berin Macfarlane, a savvy student from Oregon, and a funny surprise skit by 2 mastery students. I learned a lot from just watching, lots of good ideas. Tomorrow we have corporate meeting in the morning, and supposedly Linda time this afternoon! :) Cool!

Monday, September 5, 2011

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Saturday, September 3, 2011

2 Star Parelli Instructor Course at Parelli Colorado University - Day 10 - Graduation

We all graduated today! The whole class did a phenomenal job and we are all so proud and blessed by the experience we have all been through. The 2 weeks have been absolutley mind blowing and eye opening. We had a great day, the morning was spent watching the rest of The Elements of Man, then we did our presentations from our Western Performance triad, then watched another video of Linda from 5 years ago, when she first purchased Allure, going over working with difficult horses.

We broke for lunch and went over the answers and reviewed our tests, so that we will know and make sure we can correctly portray the information to our students. Was great to review all of the stuff and Carol made it lors of fun. We joined back together for graduation dinner, great food! With apple pie! The certificates were handed out, with lots of hugs and smiles and then we joined up for a group picture. Was a very enjoyable afternoon! We have Saturday through Tuesday to do what we want, then the instructor conference and summit start up. Thinking maybe we will volunteer to help out here if needed on the days we have off. :-) See you all soon!

Friday, September 2, 2011

2 Star Instructor Course at Parelli Colorado Campus - Day 9

Today was ABSOLUTELY sock-knocking! I lost all my socks, I'm gonna have to go buy some more tonight! The morning was spent doing two things, early morning was spent watching more of the Elements of Man recording from Linda last February. WOW! I thought it was good the first time I heard it, watching it again just totally blew my mind. I feel like i'm going insane, we went over what each element looks like and I can now pin-point each element by looking at them. I think I am going crazy, I'm walking around unconsciously assessing EVERYONE! Haha, it's crazy. But it's great, I know I am going to use this tool. Afterwards we had the surprise of watching Pat and a crew of his friends in the big arena doing some cutting, taking turns, as they practice for the show this weekend in New Mexico... WOW! You wouldn't believe how these horses moved, and I was so encouraged as I can see how my horses are not that far from being able to move that way too! Yes!

We had lunch time, with our triads, we split into different professional goals groups, my group is the Western performance team, we will be presenting our strategies to service our specific customers in the morning I do believe. We have graduation tomorrow afternoon, which I am very excited about. We will see how that goes! The afternoon was spent as a surprise, with Linda! We watched her coach 2 instructors on the new 'Steady rein' concept... as she explained it to us. I learned these concepts with the Reining cow horse trainer, Marc De Champlain, this past spring. She started to explain these things, I went 'WOW'! So Marc was right! Be looking for an article written on this subject in the next savvy times, it WILL transform your freestyle and your finesse without a doubt. Talk to you all soon! SAVVY!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

2 Star Instructor Course at Parelli Colorado - Day 8

The morning is incredible, as we spent the morning up at Linda's house! The two star group was enthused, as Walter walked out and talked with us then Linda and West Point came out. He coached them through, it was beautiful to see the relationship put first with the horse and accomplish such beautiful maneuvers. Rachel, an apprentice, came out with her horse and Walter coached her through the session. We walked back to the Extern barn, where we did simulations and testing. The testing was a blast, and the simulations were even more fun! We've had a great group of instructors, and have learned a lot. We played the hunker down game as a part of our simulations, I won every round I was in but my hands didn't! Learn burn!

We broke for lunch and then joined everyone at the Corporate office to watch the Elements of Man video that was recorded while we were there this past February... what a GREAT re-cap, we will finish that in the morning. Linda is such a great teacher, I don't know if there are any materials out there about the Elements of Man, but every instructor should know this material... wow! We had campfire night last night, great burgers, and laughs! We all sang around the campfire with Pat and Tim Sullivan, I had the privilege of singing with Tim an old song... I was so nervous I could hardly sing but it was a blast! Tomorrow and Friday are the last days, I have a feeling they will be very intense. I am trusting God though, that whatever is supposed to happen will happen... I know my life is under His control!