Parelli Natural Horse-Man-Ship Level 3 Refinement Program
Uncompleted Stage 2 Online Tasks
The Circling Game (#5) at 45 feet
- To send horse out and have trot and canter, with slack in line, without breaking gate, until you call him in (for at least 8 laps). Nothing should take more than a Phase 2.
- To make transitions between walk, trot and canter while circling.
Almost classified as complete, just need to test now that something was clarified.
The Sideways Game (#6)
- To drive your horse sideways down the fence (and ultimately without a fence) over a distance of 50 to 300 feet, with slack in the rope and the belly of the rope dragging the ground.
Flying Lead Changes on the 45-foot Line
One day soon (as part of Level 3) you’ll be asking your horse to execute a flying change of direction in the round corral. This lesson on the 45-foot Line is a great way to prepare for that task.
- To have your horse canter in one direction, then change directions, making a flying change onto the new direction.
Week Schedule, write down when home.
- Call * for round corral use
- Lesson on Monday for 2 hours
- Lesson Wednesday
- Modeling at 3:30pm wed.
- Lesson with C Thurs. Fri. Sat.
- Lesson with L on Thurs 2 hours
- Get stuff together for July 19th play day
- Look up deworming schedule
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