Okay, the last time I blogged it was Saturday... so I will start there. Saturday morning one of my precious students and I went to Mephibosheth Farms for their annual Walk-A-Thon, it was fabulous. I met some other Parelli enthusiasts and another of my blog fans, Rebecca, that volunteers there often. It was funny because I was just standing there listening to a conversation and here pops up this sweet girl, saying "Hi Mariah, I'm Rebecca!" I had a moment of slight panic, I was saying, "Rebecca... Rebecca? Rebecca! Oh, crap. I don't recognize her.... ugh! How does she know me? I should know her if she knows me! Ah, crud!" in my head, but of course I said "Hi Rebecca!" on the outside. It was a sigh of relief knowing that she was a fan I had never met, I know so many people... I want to be good at recognizing them and their names and it kills me when I don't! But it was great, she seems like a sweet girl. I know your probably reading this Rebecca, here's my email savvysundance@hotmail.com, if you still would like to come over and ride, Bebe's waiting on you! When I got back from the Walk-A-Thon, I had a Brooks reunion to go to then a double party whammy at my house. Early Sunday morning Sundance and I went to Charlotte's for a Parelli Varsity Team practice, last one until October 12th at Chetola Farms. Charlotte informed me of another performance we will be doing in February in Pelzer, SC at the South Carolina Horseman's Council Weekend Celebration, which is pretty exciting I'd say. Visit http://www.foxpointfarms.com/ for more information on what we are doing, what were about and what we plan to do. I've got to practice before the performance, we have to do some pretty complicated dances and patterns on our horses for the demo and I want to get it just right. Here is the Parelli Varsity Team requirements chart I made for Charlotte that she'll be putting up soon, how's it look?
(Click picture for larger view)
Sundance and I can do all these pretty easy, no problem. About 16 + people and their horses showed up in the tiny arena, I am sure there will be less than that because not everyone can do them from what it looked like... they did good though! I hope most of them can make it, but not too many because it was pretty hectic. I wonder how many there will be, and still have questions about the order of our performance because that was not discussed. Hmmm... Oh well, Charlotte always follows through. I still need lots of prayers and thoughts going towards the Parelli Celebrations performance, I really really hope we can do that but Charlotte hasn't heard back from Pat or his legal team. Just got to keep on working hard and staying positive! If you do it usually works out pretty well. Of course, Sundance and I did play the days before the practice. He offered a perfect flying lead change at liberty for the 2 days that we played, CHECK! All of Stage 3 complete. Yesterday, the day after the practice, I was sure Sundance was still a little tired and wanted to do something different so I put on my natural performer and cradle bridle on an moseyed around. I absolutely cannot recall the last time I put that saddle let alone any saddle on that horse, I think it's been months because we have been working so hard on online and liberty. To be honest, I was afraid he was going to feel pretty cruddy because I hadn't done this in a while. Boy was I as wrong as the day is long, he was AMAZING! Like eye popping amazing. I barely had to use the cradle bridle and when I did he was as light as a feather, the saddle was so uphill on him too, he was all uphill and did a tiny fluid canter that felt so good and on the right lead too! His right lead is the hardest, so I was surprised. The session only lasted about 10 minutes because of the darkness so as soon as he gave me that right lead so beautifully I gave him a cookie out of my parelli cookie waist bag and rode straight to the barn. Oh, and my jods I got, they ride beautifully. When I am standing the bottom of my pants are slighly bunched up and touching the top of my spurs, and when I get on Fabio they aren't bunched up but they still touch the top of my spurs, so thank the lord I now have the perfect riding pants. Back to Fabs, I have seen this liberty build up his hindquarters a lot, the first thing Char noticed about him was how big his hindquarters have gotten. He has gotten real light at liberty too, that is the reason why he moved so well and was so light in the saddle. All I could say and can say is WOW! The senoirs feeding schedule has changed in preparation for the winter, so I have to feed and wait for them to eat in the mornings... so I have to scoot and let them out. I will update on our next session if I can, hope ya'll have a great week. Please comment, I love feedback.
Mariah Helms