Thursday, September 25, 2008

Response to Comments - What's Sundance and Bebe up to? - Kelly Sigler's response to Bebe's Explosion (EDIT New Pages for Partners)


Thanks for all the de-codes and comments on the emails, I think all of you are correct in your hypothesis and appreciate the help! Thanks for the comments on the Jods, I really think they are going to be enjoyed. Also, I really think I have Bebe figured out this time... Katie give me and update on Apollo when you can.

Thanks fans, I love getting comments!


Here's what I've been up to with Sundance and Bebe the past few days...


Sundance and I are currently playing with -

Figure 8's at Liberty (Patterns) - He's gotten really good at walk, today I asked him to do it at a walk and he did it half heartedly and left. Hmm... He knows this! I think? So I put a little more energy into it and he trotted the pattern! He knew it but was just BORED and we hadn't even done the pattern long at all. As I said, he loves to say "NEXT!" I just have to learn to listen to when he says it.

Game #5 Lead change at Liberty (Stage 3)- We've done this twice and he will make the change of direction quick but can't quite pick up the other lead fast enough at liberty, so we are still doing it online a little bit to help him out. I thought this task was going to be devastatingly hard, but he actually offered it so I about cried! The cool thing is, he is doing all this at close contact liberty since we don't have a round corral! He still amazes me.

Sideways facing partner (Stage 4) - We've been doing this about two days too, he's got the concept I just want him a little straighter!

Stick-2-Me Canter at Liberty (End Stages of Level 3 + Beginning of Level 4) - We've been doing this for a couple of weeks, he's good at it! He offered today a flying lead change as we change directions, as an example... Well be cantering to the right on the right lead and I will back up as he switches really fast, change arms and canter to the left on the left lead. How neat is that! Fabio is amazing, I love him! Funny thing is, I just looked at the stages and don't see this task in them... I'll be asking somebody about that one.

Spanish Walk (Level 4) - Get's better and more graceful every time, I think it will be a great thing to do at the demos.

You know what's scary? (In a good way) Our Level 3 is going by fast, I am really excited about that! We just started Level 3 in mid-June and we can already do most of the tasks in stages 4-5 already, that's half of level 3! Am I getting ahead of myself? Am I feeling over achieved? or should I calm down because Finesse is coming? *WIDE EYES* *HEART SKIPS BEAT* All I can say is, I love this journey! It just get's better and better!


Here is an email from Kelly Sigler regarding Bebe's Explosion-

Hi Mariah! Great to hear from you. Looks like you are having an interesting journey. One of the things that you might want to ponder is how to set him up for success so that he does not have the opportunity to "go there." What is happening before it happens? Do you have a plan that is interesting and proactive to keep him left brained, confident, and curious? Also, think about matching his energy- I have heard Pat and Linda say this a lot- can you match his energy when he gets like this- if so, has that helped? Let me know how you go- have fun! Keep It Natural, Kelly Sigler

I totally agree with Kelly, all his sessions have always started with brain-twister games that he loves that make him feel confident and ready to do things. I really has also helped matching his energy, so he doesn't feel out of sync. I agree with all the instructors! I love getting different opinions, the past three emails have really added up to the same conclusion. See if you can set it up to where he doesn't go there, if he does, freak with him and make him do more than he wants and will realize being RB isn't all it's cut out to be. I love my Parelli Instructors! Thanks guys! I bet all of you are wondering what horsenality Bebe is now classified as? (since it's changed so much) I have re-filled out his horsenality chart and he is a moderate Left Brained Extrovert, very sensitive and can switch to right brained extrovert in an unsuspecting way so you really have to stay in tune and WATCH your energy. Onto the sessions, we have had some great results! I put him in the arena and did some mind-twisting fun games he loves to get his naughty little mouthy mind going and then did the circling game at liberty (about the same diameter as the 45ft rope) and we got some good sends, great allows and marvelous bring backs (Trot/Canter)! I think he doesn't feel as much pressure in the arena with no ropes, I think he needed a break from the 45 foot line. He also started to offer the Spanish walk which was VERY surprising! He also offered to jump a single barrel laying down in the middle of the arena, which was great too. So thanks to perseverance and amazing Parelli instructors giving me ideas through email, Bebe and I are back on the journey and I am ready to make Bebe a star just like Fabio the Fabulous Parelli Star. Makes me think, maybe I need to redo Sundance's horsenality chart, he's still a LBI but his dots may have changed or disappeared or gone to another quadrant! Hmm... How Interesting!

NEW! Check Sundance and Bebe's Pages, click pictures on left hand side.


Eden said...

I love the theme song addition to their pages! They are so cute. You are really creative. Haha, they made me laugh

Katie Oostman said...

Love the new pony pages!!