Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Jesse Peters Advanced Level 2 Clinic

The advanced Level 2 clinic was relaxing yet learned hard core, I loved it. I was an auditor, but yet I felt I was a clinic participant without a horse, Jesse made us feel like we were all in it together! Which was what made it so enjoyable. I got a lot from the simulations, we all danced together in the middle of the arena and learned to follow a feel. We also all walked in pairs with hands around each others waists and followed each others energy, wether introverted or extroverted energy and tried being leaders and others the follower trying to follow the feel. We even rated each others energy and feel by shaking each others hand like Pat Parelli does, and enjoyed learning to walk like him! I learned so much from the whole clinic. After watching a dear friends horse, I saw she was acting JUST like Bebe... and guess which horsenality she was? A Right Brained Introvert. I am very close to finding his horsenality, I believe he is a Moderate LBE when comfortable in his skin, then in a learning situation he is a RBI and when pushed off the edge he is a RBE. I have decided since I have a 3 hour lesson (and can add another hour without hesitation) I will be bringing Bebe too. He is confident enough in the trailer, and I believe he is ready to go to his first out of home place ever! He has only been two places in his life, the breeders and my house. I think this is a PERFECT first place to go, because I will have a Parelli Professional holding my hand through it all. I am very excited that Jesse will be helping me with both of my levels horses, I believe we will get a lot done. My lesson with Jess will be this Friday (Halloween) from 1-4 PM then I will be auditing the advanced Level 1 clinic Saturday and Sunday with one of my most dedicated and closest students. I am very excited about what is ahead, and will be SUPER BUSY until then.

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