Picture from riding in freestyle station, helping fast horses slow down and slow horses speed up. Got our test scores, I recieved a 67% at my midterm over all. My individual scores that made up the final scores were very encouraging! Was hoping to hit the 70% mark but that is very rare at mid terms so I guess I'll take that for now! Take a look at my traveling sister's blog at
http://sarah-berg.blogspot.com/, we traveled down here together and are sharing a house and a truck, she's my new equine sister. Take a look on facebook, under my name "mariah helms"... Pat Parelli's photographer "Coco" snapped some pictures of us, she is AMAZING! Keep an eye on my facebook page for updates! If you are recieving updates via mobile please get on the computer and check my blog as I update larger portions over the laptop. Thanks guys! Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers... It would be GREATLY
appreciated! Savvy out! Mariah and Sundance
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1 comment:
Congratulations! That's a great midterm score!
Petra Christensen
Parelli 2Star Junior Instructor
Parelli Central
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