"Can't I learn AND stay in my comfort zone? I can still learn in my comfort zone, can't I? I know I can, just let me stay here. I'm going to stay here, LEAVE me alone!" my inner self screams, it's just a momentary temper tantrum. It comes and goes, they get smaller and smaller eventually... Don't they? I can only hope! I am the type of personality that has to be perfect, I must please every person in this universe. I must seem like a faultless saint that can do no wrong and only wants to make the world a better place. But I am human! Did you know that EACH and everyone of us is human? (Unless there are some smart horses out there reading this on the computer!) I sometimes forget that, I am a human. How does that quote go? "To be human is to err?" Well, I be darned, I am programmed to make errors. BUT I CAN'T! Not me. Some of those errors were pointed out in my fast track, and it hit me hard. I had my tail tucked between my legs like a scared little puppy dog! I can not stand it when I make a mistake, I feel like a miserable failure with a life not worth living. But that is all my human emotions taking over, if I use my logic I will soon learn to receive the criticism with grace and move on even more determined than before! That will be my largest mountain to climb, not let my emotions get so totally involved in the process of growing. Lee Palmer, a leader of Parelli University and 3 Star Instructor, gave me a few wonderful and helpful tips on this topic... "Trust in yourself, and if you just do your best every day, with an open mind - you'll have an amazing experience. It's always good to explore and analyze ways to improve, but try not to get 'paralysis of analysis' - where you think too hard and become over-critical of yourself. At some point, you have to just file away the feedback you've received, and move forward." I myself tend to over analyze myself when criticized and begin to over do my analysis and start to shut down, that's a true paralysis of analysis! Psycho-Cybernetics talks about this in quite a few chapters, and helps you overcome these mountains by using emotional control and ignoring the "bell". I highly recommend this book to anyone who plans to grow and get out of their comfort zone. Thank goodness to this book, I have been set up much better for my externship than I would have been before. John Baar, a 5 Star Master Instructor, my Fast Track Instructor and previous Instructor of the past Externships, also had a few great congruent points for my brain to absorb.... "As Linda says "self improvement is rarely comfortable or convenient". Overall, the fact that your feeling a little uncomfortable means that you are on the right track. You are looking on ways to improve, ways to become better and this can cause us to feel uncomfortable. The biggest piece of advice that I could give you is to go into your externship acting like you, who you are today. Each day we grow, and can be a better version of ourselves, but if you try to act how you think you should, and not who you are/how you feel, you'll only be cheating yourself and slowing your progress. Keep in mind that you will make mistakes, you will 'screw it up', and that's part of the journey! Welcome to feeling uncomfortable, it means your on the right track, and your growing. You'll find most upcoming Instructors are feeling just as uncomfortable, I know I did." I recently finished the book "The E-Myth" by Michael E. Gerber, "Why Most Businesses Don't Work and What To Do About It'. I was reading a quote from a financial mastermind that owned a large chain of hotels, in his attempt to keep his employees to a higher standard of excellence, he often reminded them of quotes like these... " The business is a place where everything we know how to do is tested by what we don't know how to do, and that the conflict between the two is what creates growth, what creates meaning." Why am I going into this externship? To learn. Do I know everything? No. Where does learning take place? Outside my comfort zone. Welcome to feeling uncomfortable, welcome to learning. Enjoy! |
Friday, December 31, 2010
Leave Me in My Comfort Zone!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Fast Track #4 - Photographs by Coco
Monday, December 27, 2010
Awaken the Giant Within, a Morning with Tony
I do not give into my flesh, but into my curiosity! I sit down on my bed beside my window covered in beautiful bright white snow and call my Australian Shepherd, Heidi to come sit by me and learn with me. So I read, Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins, I am about on page 50 by now on this giant book! My head swims from all the words I am going to have to read between now and the time I need to leave, how am I ever going to get it all done? Today, Tony talked to me about failure. One of my favorite topics to read about, NOT sarcastically speaking. If you take a look at my website, you will see an article on failure and how failure really isn't a bad thing at all. But during my fast track I did not grasp that concept well, I wasn't allowed to fail! I had to be perfect, you know how it goes. So Tony keeps on talking about failure, blah, blah, blah.
I have a few light bulbs, a few BFO's (blinding flashes of the obvious) and then come to this quote, "Remember: Success truly is the result of good judgement. Good judgement is the result of experience, and experience is often the result of bad judgement!" I tilted my head sideways and look at Heidi with a puzzling face, she does the same. "Well, Mariah" I say to myself, "I guess I'm gonna mess up, I guess I will make a fool of myself during my externship. But that's okay! It happens and that's how I will grow" I was thinking to myself later on as I was putting on my snow boots, as to how much I laugh at myself. I'd be in big trouble if I didn't know how to laugh at myself when I make mistakes or boo boo's and move on with my life. Maybe I should laugh at myself a little more? Heidi and I jumped off the bed and ran down the stairs in a race to see if there was any bacon left! There was.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Finishing Today's Session
It was pretty much our first time playing the game of contact, it was lots of fun. The concept was pretty easy for him to catch onto, but of course we know this is something we will have to do everyday for a while to get it concrete. But Linda was right saying you would be amazed when they pick up on it, when he picked up on it at the trot I said "yee haw!" we were off! It felt so powerful! The game is very much mind boggling and challenging, so I love it! It keeps my mind busy so I LOVE playing this game. I will play with it again tomorrow and will continue to work on it as much as I can in my next future sessions. We are playing more with half-passes, sidepassing, shoulders-in and haunches in... that's always fun! Sundance seems to like Finesse a lot, he picks up on things very quick.
Groundwork is not his favorite activity but he does not mind being ridden all day! Our freestyle is a blast! We have been playing with getting our circles and follow the rail refined, arms crossed at all gaits. He is getting in the habit of backing at least 5 steps everytime he is asked to stop, and for the first time ever we are getting the starts of some slide stops! Watch out! We're going to be reining and cutting champs one day! :0)
More Notes From Fast Track #4 - Nov.1 - 26, 2010
Why do we shim?
- To offer scapula clearance.
- To find and stay on balance point/
- Fill in for muscle atrophy.
POSTURE = Muscles, tendons and ligaments
- Act like a partner when taking off the halter, nose in to you and have horse walk and follow you as you slide it off.
- For a left brained introvert, sit there and just relax a bit before starting liberty.
PORCUPINE = follow a feel
DRIVING = follow a feel-ing
Why play online?
1. To teach the human something new.
2. To teach the horse something new.
3. To prepare for something.
3 Laws of Parelli
- Put the relationship first.
- Practice in all four savvies/foundation before specialization.
- Commited to never ending self-improvment.
Humans lack...
You are a salesman, sell your idea to the horse.
4 Relationship Killers
- Anthropomorphic
- Cheauvanistic
- Autocratic
- Direct Line
More soon!...
Session with Sundance
Online - Playing with using more psychology rather than force, you cannot force a left brained introvert into doing anything. Trying to make backing all the way to the end of the 45 foot line more interesting, he will do it now with a phase 1 and trot back but it soon becomes very boring. This is a very challenging puzzle for me, but I am learning to get my timing right with this task... lately I will have it, then I will loose it because I will over do it in excitment! I want to make sure we have it, and I loose it in attempt of trying to secure it.
Ideas for Game 4 on 45 foot line...
- Back to end of line and stop at a point e.g. hit leg/butt on object and stop and lick.
- Same but sidepass over barrel and stop (he loves to sidepass over objects.)
- Back up various distances, and come in to me! Don't go too far, just this far then come back!
- Back up, then back sideways, then back, then back sideways.
- Give him an audial clue of a great job, if I excitedly tell him with my energy up and positive that he has done a very good thing, he gets excited and puts more effort into it... of course a treat NEVER hurts if used correctly.
Freestyle / Finesse... will write about in another post this afternoon. If you have any more ideas about Game 4 on 45 foot line, please email me at mariahhelms@hotmail.com and I will put it on my next post. We can all share all of our ideas with our fellow students here! :-)
Savvy Out!
Mariah and Sundance
Change Equals Progress
I would like each of you to send me an email to mariahhelms@hotmail.com with new ideas for my blog. What would you like to see? What do you want more or less of? I want to hear from you. Use your imagation and let's do it!
Mariah Helms
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
New! Parelli Connect
Here you'll find everything you need to help direct your horse's foundation training based upon the Parelli program's
home learning DVD series for horsemanship foundation Levels 1 through 4. Parelli Connect is designed to make it easy
for you to find new friends within the program with which to share not only your own wall updates but also that of your
horse via your horses's own wall too!"
Join me! at http://www.parelliconnect.com/.
Mariah Helms, Sundance, Bebe and Aamira
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
An Aamira Video and Completed Another Book
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Monday, December 20, 2010
Dad Starsky Heidi Smoo and Mariah
Courage for the Steps Ahead
improved greatly and we're getting some slide stops in freestyle! Woo hoo! Yee haw!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
The Last Moments Last Forever
Thank you SO much for your support everyone, it makes things so much easier. We were there last night, and even though he was heavily sedated I make my little squealing voice and said his name and he perked up way more than a horse that sedated regularly could. Our family walked in and he just LIT UP! He tried so many times to lift his head but nothing was working, but our last moments were SO PRECIOUS! He was so sweet and loving and talking to us and telling us things up till the last few seconds, I we got to hold him in our arms up till the last breath. He went so easily too, the shot was not but half way in and he was already released from his earthly shell. He was born not knowing love, but knew nothing but love at his death. Today, he has a class with 5 students at NC State, teaching them about his disease and helping future horses that come in in the same condition. I always called him my great teacher, becuase he taught me more than most horses did… I can not explain how thankful I am to him for all that he did for me and my family. So I am beyond ecstatic that he is staying there and continuing to teach beyond his release, and in everything I do here on earth… he will continue in with me, his legacy of perseverance, love, understanding and patience will live on.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
This is Not the End... It is the Beginning
On our way to tell
Last Goodbyes with a Promise
Please pray for Starsky, he
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
NC State Equine Hospital Starsky Update - Day 1 PM
NC State Update on Starsky
prayers and positive thoughts going for Starsky, I have a feeling he's gonna make it somehow.
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Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Starsky is fighting for his
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Crawling and Singing
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Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Deep Sigh of Relief - Update on Starsky
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Starsky, as of a few
Friday, December 3, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Check-Up on Starsky and New Reading List
Here is the Introductory Reading List -
Blink - Malcom Gladwell
Outliers - Malcom Gladwell
Psycho Cybernetics - Maxwell Maltz
Awaken the Giant Within - Anthony Robbins
If You Want to Be Rich and Happy, Don't go to School - Robert Kiyosaki
Rich Dad, Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki
The E-Myth Revisited - Michael E. Gerber
True Unity - Tom Dorrance
Think Harmony with Horses - Ray Hunt
Raise Your Hand if You Love Horses & Natural Horsemanship - Pat Parelli
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