Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Last Moments Last Forever

Here are a few words I have been sharing with my Parelli friends that have supported me so well during this hard time, just thought ya'll would like to hear more in depth of our last moments and the future ahead! Thank you all for support here too, leaving heartfelt comments, they mean so much to my family and I. Starsky is not gone, he is just in a different stage of life, just like we go through different stages in our life. He is still alive and well, and I can feel him with me very strongly...

Thank you SO much for your support everyone, it makes things so much easier. We were there last night, and even though he was heavily sedated I make my little squealing voice and said his name and he perked up way more than a horse that sedated regularly could. Our family walked in and he just LIT UP! He tried so many times to lift his head but nothing was working, but our last moments were SO PRECIOUS! He was so sweet and loving and talking to us and telling us things up till the last few seconds, I we got to hold him in our arms up till the last breath. He went so easily too, the shot was not but half way in and he was already released from his earthly shell. He was born not knowing love, but knew nothing but love at his death. Today, he has a class with 5 students at NC State, teaching them about his disease and helping future horses that come in in the same condition. I always called him my great teacher, becuase he taught me more than most horses did… I can not explain how thankful I am to him for all that he did for me and my family. So I am beyond ecstatic that he is staying there and continuing to teach beyond his release, and in everything I do here on earth… he will continue in with me, his legacy of perseverance, love, understanding and patience will live on.


Priscilla said...

You'll see him again I think.

Parelli Central said...

I am so sorry for your loss, Mariah! You have done everything you could and more...

Sending warm thoughts your and Starsky's way....

Petra Christensen
Parelli 2Star Junior Instructor
Parelli Central