Today the Parelli Center was up and buzzing EARLY with the expectancy of a mob of smiling faces, soon they came and the energy of the already positive and progressive shot up like a rocket! 150 plus students, with and without stars slowly pushed in the Lodge with anticipation of excitment and opprotunity... and it was just that they recieved! Mark Weiler started the jamboree with even higher vibrations, Ann Kiser helped everyone organise their positive energy and Pat Parelli came in and added to the excitement! But this excitement came in a different form, it was a quiet yet wildly contained excitment of the future to come and the beauty and privlege of being one of those peoples making a difference so closely to the future to come!
Theory tests were handed out through the hustle and bustle, then the 2 star group was sent to the class room for Q & A as the 1 star group made their way out to the beautiful green spaces out in the warm caressing sun to play with a great teaching tool to be used... SIMULATIONS! With Carol Coppinger and Nita Jo Rush (I just happened to have Lisa R, a DEAR dear friend of my heart, her sister as one in my small group!) 5 humans play, 4 as each zone of the horse an 1 as the human. They play the 7 games, give feedback and rotate positions until all have reviewed every position. Mariah learned that EVERYTHING means something and nothing means nothing, they feel, see, hear and smell every single change. The 7 games quickly become the 7 tortures, especially for a LB horse. Mariah learned that she is a crazy LBE/I at the end of the line and that they become bored and hand over idle hooves as the devils workshop! That is me.
We had the opprotunity to break away from the crowd to take care of our horses then head out to eat away from the big crowd. We turned on the arena lights when we got back and played, Sundance and I had a very relaxing session! Wonderful time, very very nice, I do wish I could read him better... but that is why I am here. Tomorrow we will be up bright and early around 5:00 am to get ready to do horsemanship in the morning as the whole 100+ group over to watch the externs strut their stuff as we do our regular play time... we will see how the rest of the day goes from their! We shall find out...
It's so great to read about all the fun you are having, all that you are learning and the challenges you are facing. Keep up the posts.
Natalie P.
I love the "with and without stars" part. I first thought you were jokingly referring to Dr. Seuss's "The Sneeches" but realized you meant instructor stars. Too funny!
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