Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Reining Cow Horse Training with Marc De Champlain–DAY 2–Repetition is the Mother of Learning

Today was a day of patterns for our reining training for Sundance, and starting to refine more of his body position for his leads and departures. This morning I played with Sundance at liberty before we started and was teaching him a bit on starting his super close circles, Marc got to watch the whole session… he said he was impressed, and I smiled. He pointed and smirked at a huge 17 hand palomino 4 year old, and said to take a whirl… said he was a crazy one, but I took up the same layout Pat used for the tour stop crazies and went through it and had the horse doing games at liberty, all the 7 games, long line driving and just having a ball with NO problems.

I was so proud! Of him and me, Marc was so happy he called the owner and had her come over, I did a demo and taught her… that was a blast! I rode a bit more afterwards on flexion and patterns and then went to walmart, we got groceries and I came home and did some pampering and resting. I am trying to get to bed early, so I will get some shuteye in to be bright tomorrow. Tomorrow I will be teaching and learning again, I am very excited. See you then!


Parelli Central said...

How cool!!!

Petra Christensen
Parelli 2Star Junior Instructor
Parelli Central

Anonymous said...

Hi Mariah,
Can you please explain the layout you referred to that Pat uses for the tour stop crazies?
Kim Veenstra