Tuesday, August 30, 2011

2 Star Parelli Course at Parelli Colorado Campus - Day 6

Today was a very exciting action packed day, full of lots of fun. We met in the lodge at 8:30 am to recap on the happenings of the week before, everyone shared their learning stories and so did Carol Coppinger. We all had a test, but once again it was FUN! Afterwards Carol, Tina, and Lee took us outside to do simulations on the seven games. Wow, I am now in LOVE with simulations and the value of them. I will be doing a lot more simulations with my students. You should have seen all of us out there playing and learning with each other, it was the funnest sight to see... I apologise for not having taken pictures but could not get any. We did separate presentations with a personal instructor, taking turns in between simulations. After we all had a go, we wrapped up with a savvy clap and had a very enjoyable lunch.

We joined up afterwards at the Corporate Office where we all had a talk again and then did a fun and different Q & A session where Carol had us ask questions and wrote them down on the board, then we all got in our tribes of 3 and had a question assigned to us. After 15 minutes of discussion, the tribes took their turns at coming up and presenting their solution... learning to be self-sufficient professionals, everyone had a great solution. We talked a bit more and then did one final savvy clap. What a great day! Day 7 is going to all be on saddle fit, which I am super excited about. We are to meet at the corporate office auditorium at 8:00 am. I will talk with you all soon, can't wait to talk! Please feel free to ask a question, I would love to answer... leaving a comment to would be great. Thanks!

1 comment:

Caro said...

Hey Mariah, are you going to do the Internship? Just wondered bec. I thought you mentioned you'll start in October?
And please could you write a bit more informations about the elements of man? Are there books about it?

Nice greets from Europe,