Friday, October 26, 2012

Happy Surprise on the Way

I thought I might as well go ahead and let everyone know, that already does not, that Gabriel and I are expecting. We were going to wait a couple of years, but God has better plans than we do! I am into my second trimester and feeling great with no morning sickness at all through any of it, I feel great if I keep food in my stomach and am still working just as hard. Here is the picture of the 10 week ultrasound with heartbeat. We are more excited than we thought we would be which I thought was impossible to be THAT excited, very excited!

Thanks for reading, we appreciate your time, please feel free to leave a comment or a question if you like.

God Bless,

The Always


Keri-Lynn said...

Congratulations!! That is truly wonderful news! I hope you continue to feel well :)

God bless,

Anonymous said...

God bless you!

PL said...


-Priscila Lopez

Anonymous said...

Will be good if is a cowboy like his dad ... or a cowgirl like her mom... :)

Pam Mineo said...

Mariah, you are an amazing young woman. I remember you from several years back and you were planning on being a Parelli professional. You were Helms then and had a long user name....can't quite remember what it was but I was impressed with your desire and direction. It's inspiring to see a young person achieving her goals and the bonus of giving God the glory. God bless you and Gabriel and the new little Parelli professional that's preparing to come on the scene. Pam Mineo, Huffman, TX Now that you're in Texas I hope to meet you one day.

Lisa said...

Congratulations, Mariah on your upcoming new arrival! So happy to hear things are working out so well and that you are enjoying Texas. I didn't even know you had moved! I was just in TN at the tour stop and was wondering how you've been. Just found your blog!

Lisa R said...

Congratulations! :) Thinking of you! I wondered where you were up and off to. I knew you got married but didn't know you had moved to Texas. I was at the tour stop and wondering how you were doing. Looks like you are doing great!