A beautiful sunset to start the day! Been quite a rainy day on and off! It is beautiful, we finished off our Finesse testing! I am very excited as this was the first test I have taken with Sundance where I did not make a change in my attitude and responses for the negative, which is BEYOND exciting! Great progress on my part! Had a great lunch with very constructive conversation and went to our rotation for Group B which is teaching. Each of us had an assigned topic to create a 10 minute speech and peresent it in front of the class this Friday. My word is the 7th key to success, "Support". How COOL I got picked for that? Why do I write this blog? What am I so passionate about? SUPPORTING students! It's flooding around here, I just finished cleaning up the kitchen here. Tomorrow we should be doing horsemanship in the morning and working with Nate Bowers in the afternoon... we will be
testing on the single and draft team. I will see if I can find you a model of what we are learning!
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