Thursday, April 24, 2008

April 23-24, 2008

Sundance Level 3 Fun!
DAY 1- We started off with the shoulder game and sideways at the canter, he did amazingly and was so fun to play with. Then we did the dreaded double figure eights, I found a way to make it fun and interesting for both of us. He did very well, I do believe if I am passively persistent in the proper position we can get this done without boring him and becoming less of a leader. One of my savvy friends suggested I go and swim with the horses, I didn't want to get wet so I hooked on the 45 foot line and Sundance and I headed to the lake. Boy did we have fun! Sundance was very attentive and wanted to do everything I asked, but the good thing is all the while he was having so much fun! I caught a picture of his eager happy face as you can see on the fourth picture, THAT is the face I am now getting all the time. Doesn't it just melt your heart? We rode back to the house bareback and bridless, with smiles on our faces!
DAY 2- This morning we played with our Level 3 back up and sideways, he did awesome! AGAIN! :)
Bebe Progress in the MAKING
This morning after doing some sideways and circling game, I decided Bebe was ready to move on. We prepared for liberty! Preparation for downward transitions at liberty, and you know he caught on so quickly being the smart baby he is. I am very proud of him, tomorrow is going to be even better!

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