Friday, May 9, 2008

Sundance Lighter & Bebe Learning

Bebe Learning to Love

Bebe and I started off with stick to me and playing with obstacles, he will even go sideways without a fence at liberty! I am so proud of him. Bebe did not want to stick with me for the circling game at a trot, so I made the right thing comfortable and the wrong thing uncomfortable. He soon found sticking to me a lot easier and did some nice circling at a trot and change of direction, afterwards licking his lips! I love watching a horse develop and learn.

Sundance Advancing Sideways

Sundance and I played with our level 3 again. His backups are getting better but he is residing to rearing back instead of walking back! How INTERESTING! I know why he is doing this, he does not want to back up and defiantly does not have it in his mind so he does other things. I am going to email Nita Jo about this and maybe she can help, it is so nice to have a parelli instructor just an email away! His sideways at a canter is now getting slower and more collected, he now can do it without a fence. I now can canter sideways beside him myself and he will canter sideways beside me! That was a jaw dropper for me, especially since he offered it to me! I am so proud of him.

The video above is a little glimpse of how the place looks, just a little glimpse.


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