Hi Mariah,
Bebe sounds like fun! :)
And what is the prescribed strategy (or what are the strategies) for a RBE horse? I think you know the answer to this--and RBE is exactly what Bebe is when he "explodes" and comes running to you, then leaps about again and goes back out. My hint for you is contained in the quote from your email below. What you are doing is great strategy for. . .which horsenality (could pertain to two, actually)?
See if you can noodle this out. If not, email me again. I will be leaving tomorrow and will be back the following week. I could tell you exactly what to do but what fun would that be? :)
Take care and let me know how it goes.
Nita Jo
At 05:54 PM 9/21/2008, you wrote:
all the while I try to keep very low confident energy.
Nita Jo Rush
3 Star Licensed Parelli Professional
Have Savvy, Will Travel
Visit Nita Jo's Parelli web page and Parelli shop entrance--
Gosh I love Nita Jo, she answers emails according to my horsenality!
I need ya'll to help me decode this email. I think I have it figured out, but I want to hear your thoughts too. Start commenting!
My jods came in! They fit like a glove, feel like velvet and are long enough. The pictures aren't very good but that's all I could take, so enjoy!
![beeches (2)](http://lh6.ggpht.com/parellifuture5starinstructor/SNfFMsEU50I/AAAAAAAABSY/EMI42zsSUgc/beeches%20%282%29_thumb.jpg?imgmax=800)
![beeches (3)](http://lh5.ggpht.com/parellifuture5starinstructor/SNfFOB8hxmI/AAAAAAAABSg/Pt5U5f2Y5B4/beeches%20%283%29_thumb.jpg?imgmax=800)
![beeches (4)](http://lh3.ggpht.com/parellifuture5starinstructor/SNfFOhKtsnI/AAAAAAAABSo/Jf-gkek2sSI/beeches%20%284%29_thumb.jpg?imgmax=800)
The breeches look great, Riah! :)
Here's my decoding of it. I'll write it as if it were my horse. The secret is in the type of energy. When he is RB, he is looking for safety and comfort. To the horse, when my energy matches his, we're in harmony and that's comfortable to him. If he's high-energy and I'm not, we're out of harmony, and that's uncomfortable to him. (To a human, quietness brings comfort but it doesn't work for the horse.)
So my guess is, when he goes RB, I should bring up my energy to match his plus four ounces and be in harmony with him until he forgets why he was RB in the first place. Linda likes to say "You want to be RB? GOOD! Let me help you/let me be RB with you". So if my horse is flipping from RB to LB, I'd be flipping with him, and interrupting his pattern as best as I could.
If my horse tried to find comfort and safety by charging into me when he's still RB, I'd say thank you for asking but you're still RB and drive him away. I'd let him come in for comfort once he slowed down or looked more LB.
Interrupting the pattern with a lot of energy and distracting him... rewarding the slightest change... being a good leader... those are what I'd think about doing when he flips.
Is this what you were thinking, too? Bebe sounds like a lot of fun to play with, and quite the savvy challenge! :-)
Your breeches look quite smart on you.
Love the breeches! Glad they fit so well. Here is my decoding:
So when he is exploding keep a low confident energy. If he is running to you RB, calmly redirect that energy. Use that adrenaline~! Over jumps, sideways fast, essentially "you can run, I'll make you go faster than you want, but make sure you watch out for this and that!" Being calm and established will cause you to feel inviting and he will be like: "uh! Uh! ummpp- UUmmph-- HUH! Ok I think I ok!" Don't let him be near you with that crazy adrenaline running through him. But unlike a LB horse, you won't be dominant, you will be half running with him and half being the calm one saying "let me help you run out of run so whenever your done you can come back to me for comfort. Get those saftey issues worked out first!
Does that make sense? Watching Allure at KC gave me a whole new take on horsenalities (especially RB) and really helped me come up with strategies!
Well, here's my thought, even if you're already through it!
It sounds like NJ thinks that Bebe is being RB-E, but when you keep a low energy you're treating him like a RB-I. "Wooooa, horsie!"
Even if you aren't saying it, that may be how it's coming off. So maybe what she's telling you to do it match his energy, then add 4 oz, until he goes "Wow, I should pay attention to this one!" and calms down.
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