Sunday, October 26, 2008

Jesse Peters Clinic and PK Performance Pictures

Yes, my Internet is back up... thanks to the best dad in the world.

I am currently auditing a Jesse Peters clinic ( and am thoroughly enjoying it, Jesse is an extraordinary clinician and cannot wait to take my 3 hour lesson with him Friday. I am also going next weekend to audit with one of my students, I hope this will help her along in her level 1. Please be praying for her, her mother just died. Also be praying for one of my friends here on the savvy forum, her horse (Grits) is ill and may be put down, pray for her health. Also pray for Sue (another good friend and level 3 student) and her father, her father has congestive hear failure... we're praying for health, strength and sanity. Thank you!

Here is the most important point I learned from the clinic today:

Follow the feel, your horse is your mirror.

Is a 49 (horse)/51 (human) % relationship, not 40/60%!

(Will add purpose to this later for you.)

Here are a couple of pictures from the performance...


Jeanne said...

Isn't Jesse great? Cheerios and I just did our second clinic with Jesse two weeks ago. It was awesome.

I've said prayers for all of your friends.

coc_parelli said...

Sundance looks so white and shiny! You guys are going to have a blast at that lesson! :)