Tuesday, October 12, 2010

6 Keys to Success: 1) Attitude

"1) Attitude - You have to have a natural attitude. An attitude is a mulititude of actions and interactions at any given time; therefore, every action and/or interaction represents an attitude. Natural horsemanship is an attitude for people who are positive and progressive, and who believe in the natural point of view of the horse." quote Natural Horsemanship by Pat Parelli. Derived from the "6 Keys to Success". Key #1 is Attitude, what is key #2?

*Be looking for more to come from my nightly studies, racking my brain to make sure I have everything memorized correctly! Would love to see you memorize them too, especially the 4 Responsibilities of the Horse and of the Human. Do you know your responsibilities?* Goodnight friends, rest beckons me to prepare for another new day. XO Mariah

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