Saturday, March 29, 2008

Welcome Pat & Linda Parelli

I am so very excited that you have been able to visit my site and very thankful that you have taken the time it takes. I hope and pray you will visit when you can and watch me grow in your wonderful program, I hope you find my story inspiring and my goals high. I am very passionate about the program, love to teach humans and horses, am a learnaholic and want to get as high as I can in the program and spend as much time with you two as I can. I am very excited about my future, and now that my future contains you two in it more than I could ever imagine I am ready to take on your challenge and be the best horsewoman I can be.
Good better best, never ever let it rest until you get your good better and your better best.
If you are ever on the SC Forum my username is Parellifuture5starinstructor...
My email is if you ever get a chance to drop a hello it would be great to hear from you.
Thank you for your kindness, passiveness and persistance so people like me can live their dreams and live life to the fullest, beyond their biggest dreams and highest expectations.
I look forward to talking to you two tomorrow at the 'mini-conference'!
Bless you two, and thanks so much!
Mariah Helms
Future Parelli Instructor

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