Wednesday, June 3, 2009

It Came!

After 9 weeks! I am so happy, my green string came... I promised I would post a picture!

Sorry about my sloppy self, I finally got a day off and did nothing with myself... felt good.
Is anyone else's in yet? It seems this is the first shipment of many to come!




Anonymous said...


Eden said...

I got my red string last saturday along with my certificate!! I was SOOOO excited!! like you said, the first of many! haha, congrats on yours, too. what an amazing accomplishment.

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That must be awesome having your green string!

I wish I had filmed my level 3/4 before they started charging $$ for auditions.. :/


Priscilla said...

You go girl! You are SO savvy! I'm still collecting! Thanks for following and commenting on my blog!
