Howdy folks,
I've been at the beach since Sunday, we are going home tomorrow or the next day. Since I've been horseless the past few days, I have had lots of time to think!
I am going to change around what I am doing with our patterns here. I am going to start tying up the 45 foot line, instead of the 22 foot line. I just might put the saddle on and thread the rope though the stirrups to keep it from looping at his feet too... the line should give him more to feed off too.
Instead of our boring arena setting, I am going to move us to a pasture for a good
ol' change of setting. I am also going to refresh our 45 foot line circling skills, to help our rusty liberty... I've lost his respect at long distances, so I will do this and get it back.
I applied for the
Lakeland, FL Celebration Savvy Spotlight, I think in three savvies. I've been on the forum reading about
every ones experiences, and am very excited. I am so excited! I do believe it is about 3-4 months away, which will go by very fast... I would like to encourage you to sign up for a Savvy Spotlight, it doesn't matter what level you are at! As long as you are there for the horse... have also been thinking about getting my black string, I have set the goal to get my black string before the year is over... if I cannot reach that goal, I will get it before I leave for the centers next summer. I think all I really need to do to get my string is to figure out these flying lead changes, spruce up on liberty, and do a couple more patterns. I am thinking maybe I want to get one private lesson in before doing my Savvy Spotlight or Audition. Wouldn't it be neat to go to the Savvy Spotlight with a black string? Who knows, it will all work out for the best. I know the only savvy I do not have a 3++ in is freestyle because of my lead changes... so I know I can do it if I get my changes figured out... that is all that is holding me back, I just need to spruce some things up! Then I am set.
I am off to add more goals on my goals list to achieve... I appreciate your support, everyone, positive thoughts and prayers are appreciated!
All the best!